
I found myself walking home today and there were a couple instances I felt that death was rapidly approaching. The first was on a crossroad that conveniently intersected a freeway exit. As a good citizen, I waited for the walking insignia to appear and I began to walk- but wait! Though it was clear that it needed to stop, I saw a car on the freeway exit around 150 yards away hurtling towards me. And though it was my opportunity to cross, I waited for the car to stop at the crossroad before I walked. It turns out the car did see me, but I had not anticipated how quickly it would decelerate. Frankly, it seemed to be going too fast to stop. The same happened at another crossroad, and this one was more a boulevard of sorts: there were many different cars in their respective lanes racing towards me as I strode across.

All of this isn’t to say I found myself in a near-death experience. Every one of those cars were driving well within constraints of the law, and their deceleration had no trace of amateurism. My takeaway is how heavily we rely on technology. Had but one of them been driving with a faulty break system, I would be roadkill. Maybe I’m mildly complaining because I’m too poor to afford one myself. Probably more importantly, too lazy as well.

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