Lack of Data

My recent posts don’t include data, like I wanted them to. This is due to the time constraints of school. I’m really not even a huge scholar, and there are students that juggle sports, Advanced Placement classes, and jobs while making time for something not so profoundly boring. It’s unfortunate for me that I have to sacrifice the last two in order to barely maintain this blog. I’m really just a lazy motherfucker. I used to view my peers with such disdain; not so much anymore. Even my teachers see my classmates as relatively dull. Some are, but on tests of nonverbal ability (math) they tend to hold up fairly well. But I digress.

Not posting scientific content hasn’t had me too unhappy, though. I like to write, and when I don’t include data I don’t fall prey to the constraints of research and analysis. Though I might hope to be analytical in my anecdotal content, I must practice what I preach, and anecdotes are not data. Besides, any readers I have probably want to learn something. It’s obvious that you don’t learn a damn thing in non STEM fields. An exaggeration, but a meager one.

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