
This blog is primarily intended for those that value free speech and science above other principles. At any rate, it doesn’t truly matter whether I intend for this blog to predominantly consist of rational, independent thinkers because the content is going to select for those inclined anyways.

I don’t subscribe to any particular tenets but politically I identify as a libertarian, however fashionable it is in young right leaning circles today. I’m unabashedly right-wing, I don’t dance around it and label myself as a “moderate” or “independent.” Yes, I’m nuanced enough to understand that libertarianism is essentially classical liberalism and shares economic views with modern conservatives but aligns more closely with liberals on social issues. This is obvious, but given that modern libertarianism gains more traction in the conservative movement, I feel more comfortable labeling myself as such. Besides, I’m far more incensed by SJW’s than some regulation on marijuana (though I disagree wholeheartedly.)

IQ exists, it has statistical validity, and there are many societal outcomes associated with it. This too is obvious. It isn’t a difficult concept to grasp and the negligence of contemporary society regarding its existence is due solely to political correctness. This was eye-opening to me. Prior to familiarizing myself with intelligence and genomics I legitimately did not believe that scientific research could be stifled by politics. At least not in the 21st century.

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